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Russian Control Systems Agency
Russian Control systems agency
Federal objective programs (FOP) are considered to be an instrument of forming Russia's new quality in electronic world of the XXI century. These are important long-term state programs upon which the future of Russia depends greatly. Currently the following FOPs with the RCSA's participation are in the stages of preparation and implementation:

FOP 'Electronic Russia for 2002-2010' (the decision on development made by the instruction of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13 February 2001).

The program's customers: Ministries of Economic Development, Communications, Education, Industry and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Aviation and Space Agency, RCSA and FAPSI (Federal Agency of Governmental Communications).

The program's principal objective is the creation of conditions for development of effective and balanced economy in the Russian Federation, oriented at internal consumption and export of information technologies and services and based on principles of: clear division of responsibility spheres and principles of activities between economy and the state, maximum use of intellectual and cadre potential, harmonic entry into the world's post-industrial economy on the basis of cooperation and information openness, overcoming of information inequality and reaching equal in rights entry of Russian citizens into global information society on the basis of observance of human rights, including the right to free access to information, right to personal information protection and obligation on the part of state, public and commercial organizations to reveal information.

To achieve these aims the solution of the following problems is foreseen:

- to form an effective liberal normative-legal basis of information and communicative technologies, which is based upon direct action laws;
- to provide the efficiency of the state control bodies communications at both internal and interagency levels as well as with managing subjects and citizens on the basis of using modern information technologies;
- to provide conditions for increasing the efficiency and scale of using information technologies in the country's economy;
- to provide increasing of the personnel training and retraining level by means of the education system's modernization on the basis of information technologies in concert with ongoing reform of education;
- to realize pilot projects on creating technopark (technopolices) in Russian regions and on property support of activities of small and medium enterprises engaged in the introduction of new information technologies.
The priority directions of the domestic electronics' development are designated as microelectronics, SHF-electronics, nanoelectronics, micromechanics, quantum electronics, acoustoelectronics, optoelectronics on semiconductor nanoheterostructures basis, science of electronics materials.

FOP 'National technological base' for the period of 2002-2006

Principal goals:

- Preservation and further development of the national technological base capable of providing the development and production of competitive science-capacious products in the interests of reaching the priority objectives of providing the country's social-economic development and national security;
- Development of new technological structure of the domestic economy (in concert with the other federal objective programs of scientific-technological and industrial profile);
- Maintaining high competitiveness of Russian products at internal and world markets;
- Development of scientific and technological basis for cardinal change of the export structure and increasing the share of science-capacious end-products in order to get long-term political, strategic and economic advantages.

The technological projects that earlier have been developed within the program's framework in accordance with separate branch FOPs, including such programs as 'Electronics technology development in Russia', 'Development of communications, television and radio broadcasting technical means', as well as in accordance with the drafts of such programs as: 'Computing equipment development', 'Optics and optical instrument building development', 'Cryogen aerospace and other transport equipment development' and a number of other programs, will be realized.

The realization of the 'National technological base' program will provide:

- Development of critical technologies and technological base, development of high-technology science-capacious products of the world class in the field of important technical systems (air, sea and land transports, missile-space and computing equipment, control and communications systems, machine-building, power, including atomic, equipment etc.), providing in general the technological aspects of Russia's economy development and national security, creating preconditions for equal in rights international cooperation in sophisticated technical systems development;
- Development of technological and industrial basis for stable work of the industry's largest enterprises with the general number of working places totaling around 450 thousand and cardinal changing of the export structure in favor of science-capacious products with increasing its share by 2-3 times.

FOP 'Reforming and development of defense-industrial complex' (2002-2006)

Principal goals:

Forming of a new image of the defense-industrial complex by means of its reformation in accordance with the objectives of military building and taking into consideration the basic parameters of The State Armaments Program for 2001-2010, prognosis evaluations of military-technical cooperation and the need to maintain at the required level the mobilization capacities, as well as creating conditions for stable development of the defense-industrial complex, development and production of competitive at internal and external markets high technology military and civilian purpose products.

Main objectives:

- Creation of conditions for ensuring the stable development of the defense-industrial complex, development and production of competitive at internal and external markets high technology military and civilian purpose products;
- Development of the necessary normative-legal basis, outlining the issues of the defense-industrial complex reformation and establishing system-forming integrated structures;
- Optimization of the defense-industrial complex's composition and structure by means of concentrating defense production at the limited number of system-making scientific-production complexes controlled by the state;
- Preservation of scientific-technological potential of the defense-industrial complex and creating preconditions for its stable development;
Optimization of the state participation's share in the defense-industrial complex organizations' capital;
- Conjugation of state defense order's resources, capabilities of military-technological cooperation, utilization of capabilities of dual-use technologies for forming of scientific-technological base on development of prospective technologies and military and civilian purpose product models.
- Diversification of production in order to increase production volumes of high technology civilian purpose products;
- Realization of the state social guarantees provided to the defense-industrial complex's employees in connection with the complex structural reformation, including carrying out the activities on personnel retraining and ensuring employment of highly skilled specialists.

FOP 'Global navigational system' (2002 - 2011)

Principle objectives:

Further development and effective use of the global navigational satellite system GLONASS in the interests of the country's social-economic development and ensuring its national security; preserving the leading positions of Russia in the field of satellite navigation by means of guaranteed providing of navigational signals to domestic and foreign customers.

The Russian Control Systems Agency's principal objectives within the program's framework is the development and manufacturing of competitive domestic navigation equipment meeting the international standards requirements and creating conditions for its introduction at the Russian market.

FOP 'Information-telecommunications system' (2001-2007)

Principle goal:

Establishment and development of the special purpose controlling information-telecommunications system (ITCS) in the interests of state executive bodies. The ITCS, being a technological basis of the Russian Federation control, makes it it's aim to provide information support of the state bodies of all levels decision-making processes, including operational and efficient control of economic reforms in the country.


Address: 42 Shepkin St., GSP-6, Moscow, Russia, 107996

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